공부/영어 공부

Ted talk 으로 영어 공부하기 #1

RealisationZ 2021. 6. 4. 18:47

https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=Ge7c7otG2mk


▶ Do we really need to speak all the English correctly? The answer is no. We don't really need to. She talked about how to be nicely counteract with English or the language that you cannot speak well. She gave an example of one boy . He was not that good at English but when he had a chance to speak in front of people he spoke with confidence. How could this happen? She said it's because he didn't care about the people who speaks about him or care about making mistakes.

As we think about the langugage populations, only 4% people are using English which means 96% of languages are not English. English is just a tool to get a result . We don't need to master the language. The challenge is that we still are forced by school to master the English. She told us to just shut the brain down and do not focus on our selve's mistake. No one scold you for your mistakes so just calm and confidence of what you are doing!


▶ For a long time i yearned to learn Spanish. The reason why i wanted to learn it was because the person who speaks Spanish looked so charming. So last summer i started learning it with Youtube channel . But after started.. i stopped learning after 1 week. Why did it happen? Because it was hard to start from the alphabet they are using.

As i looked at the video now. I decided to learn Spanish again. But only with learing how to communicate , not learning to master Spanish. Now i know the real essential of learning language . It's just to talk with the person from other country and making another society between friends. So i am going to start my new lesson from this vacation. I will thinking about uploading it on the page ~!
